Steering Column Repair: 2004 chevy silverado intermediate steering shaft, chevy silverado, gm service

I have had my intermediate steering shaft replaced 4 times. I know GM has an engineering issue with them but I need to know what I can do to fix the problem. Are they re-engineering another shaft or just not doing anything to resolve it? I do not know if I have the greaseable shaft installed. I cant se a grease fitting on it. When did they come out with this greaseable shaft? Please help...Tim

Hello Tim,
If your GM service center has replaced it 4 times, it probably has the greaseable shaft. It's hard to see the fitting and just as hard to get at. The only solution that I know of at this point would be to take it back to the shop that did the work. They will have the experience to get back at it to grease.

Have a great day!