Steering Column Repair: S-10 Colum replacemanrt, salvage yard, wire welder

I have an 89 S-10 Blazer a few months ago while driving off road I heard a pop in the colum and now I have play in the tilt.  I am thinking the tilt cracked or snaped and ear off.  Your opion?
I also have a 86 Cutlass RWD parts car, will the tilt colum out of this car interchange with the S-10.   

Thanks for the information.

Hello Clarence,
You are correct that the column snapped the mounting ears off. I am uncertain if the 86 Cutlass is a bolt in interchange, but you could contact your local salvage yard and get the scoop on what exactly will interchange with your S-10.
If you have a good wire welder you may be able to repair the original unit. I don't know if this would work as a fix for heavy off-road use as there is a lot of stress on the mounting ears of the tilt columns.

Hope that helps.
Have a great day!