Steering Column Repair: Steering Column Replacement, starter switch, steering column


I am preparing to repair a steering column that was busted(theft) which permitted the the starter switch rod to be manually activated.  Your advice seems to be total column replacement and you offer step by step instructions.  Could you please pass them my way?  I have an 89 OLDS 88.

Thanks, Fred

Hello Fred
this is a simpile task
thire is four bolts under the colluin remove them and neax on plug the wires going in to the steraling colluim . and pull straight out the eniter colluim will come right out . then in stall the new one slide back in to spline first the plug the wires back in to the new colluim . then bolt back up then check singails and lights should be good . good luck to u and if u need more help just let me know pete