Subaru Repair: Subaru Legacy B4-RSK 2001, legacy b4, subaru legacy

Hi there , I just read a question from 'kate' about her timing belt etc . I am in the same situation as her unemployed and have a budget for car maintenance etc . . . My question is something that maybe you cannot completely answer for me but it is , when do you think I would have to change my timing belt , water pump , tensioner's etc . . . I got the car at 89,000km's and its now at 158,000 I know I am overdue the recommended time to have it done but are there any symptoms or signs that I need to look out for in the mean time as I cannot actually get it replaced within the next month or so . . . thank you any help on this matter will really be much appreciated :)


I am sorry to hear about the financial difficulties, The only symptoms you will most likely have is a bad one when the belt finally breaks. I have no idea when or if this will happen.  Just Know that if the belt is neglected to long that is the probable outcome.  There aren't any warning signs.

While I think you Should be ok , it could just as easily break the next time you drive it.
