Subaru Repair: Subaru Outback, new head gasket- overheating, subaru legacy outback, subaru outback

I recently had to replace the head gasket in my 99 Subaru Legacy Outback (160,000), within two days the check engine light was back on and blinking this time. The mechanic stated it was a misfire and "fixed" the problem, a week later the same thing happened again so he "fixed" the misfire issue again only to have the car overheat while on the highway less than a week later...WHAT IS GOING ON???



There is no way I can know what has happened, I understand your frustrations but from here I can speculate all day about what may have or may have not happened in the course of the repairs, it may be that they did a bad job, or it may be that there was a lot more wrong with the Subaru than the shop originally was aware of.

Other than stick with the shop who has been involved or seeking out A Subaru Expert, which I am guessing the shop you are at right now are not there isn't much I can tell you to do.
