Subaru Repair: Fuel injectors, fuel compression, fuel injectors

After my last post I have had the injectors reconditioned. They were installed but I still have a miss on Cylnder 1. I believe that it may be that it is not getting fuel to it.When I opened the fuel line to the injector this time there was no fuel under pressure spraying out as before. Do you have to bleed air from the system after installing FI's? If so how.
The wiring to the injector measures 12volt when the engine is running the same as the others and I have checked the contacts in the loom and cleaned them. I'm sure this is a small problem but its really starting to get annoying. Any advice would be appreciated.


There is a limit to what I can help you with from here.  I don't really remember our last post, if you have a mis, you need to figure out what is missing, spark, fuel Compression etc.

The answer to the misfire lies in finding what is missing or happening at the wrong time.

If you have compression in the cylinder in question, and have spark and suspect its a fuel thing, why not swap injectors cylinder to cylinder and if the mis changes cylinders than bingo, if not keep looking
