Subaru Repair: 1991 Liberty Clutch 5spm, hydraulic clutch, clutch pedal
QuestionI really dont know if i need to change my clutch is blown or it needs adjusting. if the car is idling out of gear and i put the clutch pedal right to the floor you cant hear it stop. Also if it is in 1st gear with the clutch fully in without the breaks on it creaps fowards, likewise it does the same in reverse creaping backwards. It has been leaking fluid for the last few days and i think it might have something to do with the problem?! regards will
I am in the U.S. there is no such car as the Liberty and in 1991 the standard Legacy didn't have a hydraulic clutch it was cable driven unless it was a turbo and by your statement of fluid leaking out I am assuming you mean clutch hydraulic fluid?
If you are loosing hydraulic fluid fix the leak as the clutch won't work properly with weak hydraulics.