Subaru Repair: Subaru lights, Subaru lights flashing
QuestionWe just replaced the battery in our 99 Forester. Once that was done, some lights now flash constantly. The front and rear turn signals flash like the hazard lights are supposed to. They look like flashers, but they are not. A clicking noise accompanies the blinking lights, whether the car is running or not. Some lights behind the dashboard (the night illuimination lights) flash too. Any ideas?
AnswerYou have tripped the keyless entry/alarm even if you didn't know you had one.
If you don't have the remote you will have to find the valet switch.
If you look in the older posts I have given a step by step procedure.
If you cant figure it out from there you can call me at the shop.
All Wheel Drive Auto
425 828 3600