Subaru Repair: 98 Subaru Forester--Engine Issues, Subaru Expert
QuestionHello. I've owned a 1998 Subaru Forester for 10 years, 121,000 miles and used the same mechanic for 15 years. Over the years, variety of work done. Check engine light has come on several times over the years. About 3-4 weeks ago, it came on again. First, they said it was due to an overdue oil change. Changed the oil and put in an additive. Drove car up to mountains and there was an oil leak from area of transmission. Said car just overheated. Now saying that after they drove it for awhile it seemed fine. When they stopped and let it cool off, heard knocking. Say it's a rod and need to replace engine ($7300). Car has been so-so reliable. Don't think the car is worth it? Do you think they're right? If so, how long will car run? Really bad timing personally. Thanks
The price seems high, but it is not here and I don't know what the right price is for your area.
As far as to the rest of the question I cant answer that without looking at it.
If you like the car, maybe consider fixing it but I would find a Subaru Specialist like All Wheel Drive Auto.