Subaru Repair: Speed Sensor for 97 Subaru Legacy Outback, subaru legacy outback, obd ii codes

Our '97 Outback Legacy's speedometer doesn't work. We also get a check engine light and a flashing AT Oil Temp light that quickly goes away after starting. My friend checked the OBD II codes and got P0500 and P1540. With a little research I found out it was the speed sensor. My wife took it to the Subaru dealership anyway for them to look at it and they verified it needed the speed sensor.

I replaced the speed sensor today and I see no results. The speedometer still doesn't work. The check engine light and AT Oil Temp light won't go away. I checked the connector it attaches to on the transmission and it appears it hasn't been stripped.

Is there anything I should know about installing it that I might have missed?

If not, what else could the problem be?

Hey Don,

How careful were you in installing the speed sensor that the drive key was installed in the transmission properly?

If that checks out ok than most likely the drive for the speed sensor sheered off in the transmission which is a no fun type of repair.
