QuestionQUESTION: I just bought an 06 Baja and i love it. we had our mechanic check it out and the only thing he found was a real axle seal leaking, we took it back to the subaru dealership and they said that was a common problem and that we should not worry about it. the car has 18000 miles on it and my concern is since we don't know how long it has been leaking or how much fluid is left inside, should we replace the seal? Thanks for your help in advance. Katherine
ANSWER: Is it a full on leak or just some fluid sweating past the sea. The answer to your question really lies in how bad is the leak?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: You can see the oily residue on the outside of the seal. i don't know how long or how much since I just bought the car. Is it an constant leak, I do not think so because I did not see any actual drips from it while it was on the lift. We just want to cover ourselves in case when the warrenty expires, we do not get stuck paying for something that should have be taken care of. Any imput would be appreciated. Katherine
AnswerAs long as you have some documentation that you took it in while it was under warranty and complained of a seal leak, you will have some ammunition if the seal fails outside of warranty.
A leak has to be more than just residue to be covered under warranty in most cases.
Also the seal should be covered under the 5 year 60k powertrain warranty, which is a long time from now.
I hope that helps