Subaru Repair: stalling after starting, bells and whistles, subaru legacy

I have a '92 Subaru Legacy with the 2.2 16 valve engine. I recently jump started my brother's car off it, and ever since, it has been stalling immediately after starting. if I give it some gas as I'm starting it, it revs up a bit, and then idles nicely. Any ideas what's causing it to stall?


There are a lot of possibilities but since you have mentioned it started after jump starting a car I would suspect a alternator, battery problem or possibly the ECM (engine control module) has been damaged.  Start with testing the alternator in the car with all of the lights, bells and whistles turned on and make sure the out put is above 12.4 volts.  It could also be a sticky ISC (idle speed control) but there would be no correlation with jump starting the vehicle.