Subaru Repair: 98 Forester Raditor leak and oil leaks, oil leaks, head gaskets
QuestionI recently had my car (98 Subaru Forester S) at a shop for a check up after I had it stored for a couple of months. The folks told me that the radiator has 2 leaks, but did not specify where. I decided to not pay the money for the repair and look at it myself first because neither have I noticed any coolant underneath the car, nor can I be sure whether the shop is legitimate. After driving the car for a couple of hundred miles no coolant has leaked so far and the coolant in the reservoir is well above the "full marker". Could they possibly mean an internal leak or that one of the hoses leaks? Should I get it checked out again? What parts in the cooling system or prone to leaking?
However, what I did notice is that there are numerous oil leaks on the EJ25 (I believe the DOHC model) which has lasted a little over 100k so far. Both valve or rocker cover gaskets, as well as the oil separator gaskets leak a little and one leak occurs to be in the below of the camshaft(underneath the engine)probably the cam/crank seals. The oil occasionally drips on some hot engine/exhaust part and can be smelled from inside. Since the timing belt should be changed soon (and probably the other drive belts, too) and that would cost me about $345 for the timing belt, what do you expect that total damage for fixing those leaks would be(except for the oils separator gaskets)?
I really appreciate your response.
The first gen 2.5l found in your Forester (dohc) is prone for head gasket issues. I wouldn't fix the oil leaks and leave the head gaskets to fail a few months later. We charge $1800.00 or so to replace all of the gaskets and seals including the separator plate, head gaskets , cam seals valve cover gaskets etc. and another $59.00 to to the timing belt at the same time. This is the best way to go as you will be done with the leaks for a very long time as most of the seals and gaskets have all been updated. Provided you use o.e. subaru parts and the work is done by a competent Technician you should have relatively trouble free service with your Subaru for many years to come.
Hope that helps.