Subaru Repair: Subaru Outback Legacy whines when in reverse, outback legacy, subaru outback
QuestionQUESTION: My Subaru Outback Legacy whines when backing up. What should I be looking for when I take it in to the shop? I am not familiar with the local mechanics... and don't want to be taken for a ride.
Thank you!
ANSWER: Hey Wen,
Is it an automatic transmission or a manual? Where does the whine sound like it is coming from? Does it only whine while moving?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: It is an automatic. The whine occurs only when moving. I am not sure where the sound is coming from (sorry :( )
AnswerAs far as a whine on an Automatic Trans goes it could be from the pump or the filter could be restricted, not allowing enough fluid flow to the pump. But since your not sure where the noise is coming from it may be unrelated to the transmission entirely. Not much that I can suggest without hearing it.