Subaru Repair: diagnosing oil leak, engine oil leak, oil leaks
QuestionRepair shop previously replaced cam and crank seals 40k ago. Returned with new leak. 1st told it was a transmission pan seal leak, cost $120. Hours later, was told oil pump o ring was bad, cost another $250. Hours later, was told harmonic equalizer or balancer leaking onto timing belt, cost another $195. Are these part of a slow motion hustle or just difficulty in diagnosing?
AnswerHey Frank,
First of all is the car fixed?
If someone isn't all that familiar with the car they might replace things that they think are the cause only to realize later that it wasn't. Having said that transmission fluid is red and oil is not so its hard to figure the reason for the transmission pan reseal if the ultimate diagnoses was an engine oil leak but I wasn't the one looking at the car and it may have had multiple issues. One of the most common oil leaks on a Subaru is the oil pump but it is not enough to replace the o-ring and sealer the oil pump has a gear plate with screws that loosen up and must be retorqued or the repair will not last long. As far as the balancer it doesn't leak it has no fluid in it to leak out so I am not sure what to say there. We replace the balancers for a few other reasons and I wonder if that is the case here? Any ways it is hard to say if the shop meant well and did their best bet fell a little short as a result of not being familiar enough or its also possible the Subaru has a few leaks and it was hard to figure out which one is the worse(again Subaru experience is key here). If you have used the shop before and been happy I would say they probably have done their best and didn't try to defraud you.