Question Hi there Frank. My personal subaru repair is on hold at the moment (you have been answering my questions about our 97 outback with the timing belt/ cam gear issues).
Anyway, my question now is for a very dear friend. She usually takes her car to the dealer, but she absolutely cannot afford their repairs at this time. The problem is this- her check engine light keeps coming on. She has taken it into the local dealer(there is someone there that is very kind to her), and they hook it up and the computer says there is a problem with the catalytic converter. Oh yeah, she has a 2000 Outback, 2.5L , automatic. They clear it for her and the light keeps coming back on.
My question is this. In your experience, is it likely she needs a catalytic converter? Or could it be something else, like an 02 sensor?
And if it is the catalytic converter, should it be addressed immediately?
I will be the one to help her with the repair, if possible.
Thank you so much for any help.
Sincerely, christopher
AnswerYou need to replaced both converters. If it was the o2 sensors they would have a seperate code. The code for the converters is p0420. They don't have to be replaced right away, but depending on your state laws they may need to be relplaced to pass your annual inspection.
How many miles on this car?