Subaru Repair: 98 Forester auto transmission temp lite, transmission control unit, new sensor
QuestionQUESTION: My auto trans temp lite will go on after driving my car for about 10 minutes. Dealer put in a new sensor and a new transmission control unit. No help it goes on within a few minutes, especially when car is out in full sun and heat of day. Dealer is lost, they have no answer.
ANSWER: i would need to know the codes that are coming up when they scan the transmission computer.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Three different repair places tell me there are no codes.
AnswerThat is strange, usually the light comes on because there is something wrong and it will usually set a code, like the check engine light will. I would make the dealer that replaced the module and sensor keep working on this issue, and I hope they are not charging you for their misdiagnosis.