Subaru Repair: drain hole/s plugged, drain hoses, subaru outback

My son has a Subaru Outback Wagon Limited Edition 2005. He had a situation shortly after he bought it used. He was told that the drain hole/s were plugged. Water would build up and then when he drove the car, it would "gush" in the back left from the roof area.
Where are the drain holes and how do you clean them out?

Are we talking about the rear drain hoses for the sunroof?
Depending on where and which drain holes or drain hoses are plugged you may have to remove interior panels to get to the area that is clogged.You may be able to used compressed air to clean out the drains.AS far as location there are drain hoses at all four corners of the sunroof track.The two rear ones run along the roof then go down the rear pilliar.Hope that helps

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