Subaru Repair: 2000 imprezza outback sport, volt ohm meter, outback sport
Questionmy gas gage acts funny after it get to a half of a tank in hot weather its fine in the cold weather when it get to half it will go from half to E the gas light will come on and the mil light also is it the sending unit in the tank is it an simple fix any tips will help allot thank you
AnswerMost likely one of the sending units.Really the best way to test it is to remove it, and do a sweep test with a digital volt ohm meter(DVOM).Find the proper terminals on the connector,hook up the dvom and put it to the auto ohm feature move the sending unit from full to empty and look for a resistance spike.Im not sure if you follow all that but that is the proper way to test it, as well as checking the initial readings against specs.I hope that helps
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