Subaru Repair: 96 outback overheating, head gaskets, headgaskets

QUESTION: put in the new thermostat, ran the hose water in the top, and it ran out very quickly. I assume the radiator is ok then. Started and bled the system of air and it still is overheating. Can you give me the next step? thanks for your help
ANSWER: Really you need to check the vehicle for exhaust gas in the cooling system.Smell the over flow bottle after it has ran for a while with the rad cap on.Blown headgaskets are very common for the 2.5l.I know you are looking for an easier fix but chances are you have blown headgaskets.Sorry you are having trouble and if its repaired properly you will love the car over time.

All Wheel Drive Auto

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Thanks for your response. I brought the engine up to overflow temperature. When the fluid was going into the tank, there was no unusual smell, gas or exhaust...Let me tell you something that I thoght was strange. After it came to temperature and overflowed, the top hose was hot, bottom was cold, coolant in tank was cool, I slowly released the cap, and as far as I could get my finger in it was cool as well. Does this make more sense as a water pump or heads??? Wouldn't it all be hot? What do you think next? Thanks, Jeff

Sounds like the thermostat you put in isn't opening.This could be a faulty poor quality part or a large air pocket (the thermostat has to be in contact with hot coolant to open).Did you put in a Subaru OE thermostat? I have yet to see a aftermarket one with the flow through valve.Also the air pocket could be coming from internal pressure from the head gaskets as well.Im not sure if you will be able to pick up the smell right away.Could also be a flow problem from the water pump ,i have seen aftermarket water pumps come apart at the impellar.All of this can be difficult to diagnose correctly.We know the car and know exactly what to look for but it can be hard to describe the process to you.I wish you the best of luck but its hard to guide you from here.  

All Wheel Drive Auto