Subaru Repair: Binding All-Wheel-Drive, rear differentials, clutches
QuestionIm experiencing binding going around corners and parking. Im going to get rid of this car but, buying another subaru. is there any way to prevent this from happening again?
AnswerHello Angel,
Well first off are you tires all matching? They need to be exactly, the same all the way around, same brand, same size, same model, and also similar wear. If your tires do not match try this first. You may also try a transmission flush, make sure to flush the whole system, not just a drain and refill. I would also suggest a transmission additive, like TransX work great! Lastly You can change the fluid in the front and rear differentials, this can help the clutches in the diffs. If this doesn't help you will probably have to replace some clutches. Hope I could help!