QuestionI do not know the history of the vehicle because I just purchased it 1 month ago, so it is possible that it might be clogged. Is that a do it yourself task or a mechanics task?
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I read on the web about another guy experiencing the same problems and the response to that was to change the transmission filter and replace the lost fluid. Does that sound like a solution to the hard shifting?
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Hi, I have a 2003 Subaru Forester XS Automatic with 87,000 Miles on it. When the engine is under load, ie merging on a freeway, it makes a really loud whistle coming from the exhaust pipe. It only does it when either I floor it or when the engine is under load. The whistle goes away immediatly when I let off the gas or when the engine shifts and lowers the RPM's. I originally thought that it was coming from the air intake, but I was able to have someone inside the car flooring it and the whistle is super loud at the end of the exhaust pipe. Also, the car shifts pretty hard going from 1st gear to 2nd gear. Please help me, this noise is really loud and annoying. Thanks in advanced.
The exhaust whistle .A lot of these do that, some are caused by a restricted drain hole in the muffler. Others from the muffler it self and some require new exhaust.I would start with checking the drain hole for the muffler.The harsh shifting sounds like excessive pump pressure.Transmission pressure needs to be checked and that is just not a do it your self kind of a job i am afraid.Also a thorough diagnoses of the transmission needs to be done as well.
If the trans filter is restricted you could get the harsh shifting.But really the only way the filter should be restricted at 87k is if you haven't been changing the Trans fluid as per the maintenance intervals suggested.
AnswerThats kind of hard for me to answer as i don't know your skill level or if you have the proper tools.You can buy the filter from the dealer.And should be able to look at it and see if you have the right size filter wrench.The drainplug for the Trans is a 17mm.You will need to lube the filter seal before install of the new filter and you will need a long funnel to put Trans fluid back into the car.It will take somewhere between 4.5 to 6qts of fluid but that is only a guide line and you must follow the proper fill and check procedure.I would buy good fluid as well.On a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being the hardest i would rate the job a 2.But if you don't get the level correct you can damage transmission components.