Subaru Repair: Cost for Short Block 99 Forester, shortblock, labor time
I've looking for a cost estimate for replacing the shortblock in my 99 Forester. Dealership told me $5,000, a second mechanic is telling me $3,000. Both are using a refurb. short block. I'de prefer to have work done at dealership, but the price just seems really high.
So, any help for parts/labor time would be great.
AnswerIts really hard to give you a number without seeing the car or some one elses quote .You should expect to pay dealer list on the short block and aprox 20hrs of labor at whatever given rate.Plus oil, coolant, shop supplies etc.Not sure why you prefer the dealer for repair work but if that is your preference then that may be the best bet for you.As if you are sceptic of a given repair you most likely will never be completely happy with it.