Questionsuddenly the battery lite, at oil temp, brake lite, temp lite, stay on after starting,
they will go out if you rev it up or as you take off as long as your accelerating
they will stay off and eventually they will stay off when you deccelererate, but
not for the first 5 to 10 minutes also the battery eventually had to be recharched
Thanks John
AnswerProbably an alternator or loose alternator belt. You rev the engine, the alternator starts charging. At idle or normal engine rpm's, the alternator cannot keep up. Then all the electrical systems start to shut down, turning on the lights, and since the electrical system is running off the battery instead of the alternator, your battery goes dead.
Check with your local Subaru dealer for a price on the alternator. Many times the Subaru original is as cheap as the aftermarket.
Good luck.