Subaru Repair: 01 forester clutch and timing belt, crankshaft pulley, pulley bolt
QuestionI am fairly capable with a nice shop to work in. Are there any special tools needed for the replacement of these two items,other than getting the flywheel surfaced?
AnswerSubaru calls for a special tool to loosen and then later tighten the crankshaft pulley bolt when doing the timing belt. Think about replacing the water pump while you have the belt off. The pump doesn't often fail and really doesn't have much to do with the timing belt, but, it would save you from going back in another day. And you know, the timing belt isn't due until 105,000 miles.
As far as the clutch goes, Subaru calls for a flywheel holding tool. Also, Subaru does not recommend resurfacing the flywheel. Some guys will lightly clean up the surface in the shop. Subaru says if it needs professional resurfacing, replace it.
You can look at for repair tips that are free. The instructions and pics are very similar to what is in the owners manual.
Good luck.