Subaru Repair: subaru wont accelerate properly!, coolant temperature sensor, subaru vivio

hi zeke, i'm a young single poor girl and i need help with my car!!  i have a subaru vivio 1993 - i brought it to the mechanic as on (particularly cold and damp days/nites) it wasnt starting well and was very sluggish when trying to accelerate for first 15 mins or so.  mechanic noticed that the spark from coil was misfiring and going to earth? told me had to get new coil - paid 115 euro for new coil and had installed only to find car starts ok but accleration prob is still there.  it doesnt seem to want to go past 20miles for the firstwhile - even when pressing the gas fully..i'm at my wits ent - rang mechanic n asked would it be spark plugs - he said he didnt think so and asked me to bring it in again - this is getting expensive as i am charged eachtime he looks at it...i dont have alot of faith..can you help? when i am on the motorway it runs fairly ok - it can be quite jerky and sluggish at times and especially if i have to stop at a light and then go! thanks


I may not be much help here, since I do not know much about a Vivio. We dont have that model here in the states. But, a couple of things I can suggest based on how things work here. Does the check engine light come on? Has the mechanic checked for codes? If the car is about the same as the Subaru's here in the states, I would suspect a bad engine coolant temperature sensor. Especially since you say it seems to run better after the engine is warmed up. As far as your mechanic goes, a 15 year old car is hard to diagnose, so he may be doing as well as anyone. But, if the car isnt fixed after a repair, he should know that and tell you it isnt fixed and give you some options before charging you and letting you find out the hard way that it isnt fixed. Maybe you have a good mechanic; or, maybe it is time to look for a new one. If you have any other questions try back here or you can email me direct at [email protected]. Good luck Kimberly. Zeke