Subaru Repair: Catalytic Converter, air fuel ratio, emmissions testing

I was told by a mechanic that my catalytic converter needs replaced.  I have a 2001 Legacy Wagon, how much can I expect the cost to be?  Does this need to be replaced immediately?  

Why do you need a catalytic convertor? Performance problems with Subarus are not normally associated with a catalytic convertor failure. Usually, a P0420 and a check engine light. If you have a check engine light, your local Subaru dealer has a very specific diagnostic check list to go through to make sure it is really a catalytic convertor. Often it is not. Often, it is a front air/fuel ratio sensor, or a rear oxygen sensor. And, your car may be covered by the 8 year 80,000 mile emissions warranty that covers replacement free of the convertor, if it is bad. And finally, have your local Subaru dealer run your vin for recalls. Some have a recall relating to air/fuel ratio sensor. If your local Subaru dealer wont help, email me at [email protected] and I will send you the check list and run your vin for recalls.

As far as cost goes, depends on whose convertors you use. Subaru convertors are the best, but very expensive - $750 - $1000 dollars including labor depending on your market. We have not had luck finding an aftermarket alternative.

And finally, does it need to be replaced immediately. If there is a performance issue, and the convertor is the cause - fix it right away. If there is no performance issue and it is only a check engine light, then depending on the emissions rules in your area, you may never have to fix the thing. We have no emmissions testing in our area, and we have several customers who have been driving for years without any problems. But, they are polluting the environement. And since the check engine light is always on, then they never get the benifit of an early warning of other problems.

Good luck