QuestionHello I have question.
I am staying with a friend due to some living issues. The apartment requires a sticker on the car or the car will be towed and i know this. I have a handicap sticker that you hang, i take it off while driving and put it back when I park. Last night I got home with my friend who'a apartment i stay at like around 11:20pm, we had just got back from a trip and it was raining, trying to hurry up in it slipped my mind to put the sticker up. I later came down about 35mins later and my car was gone. Heard the tow guy pull off and I called him and told him my situation, basically he let me know he did not care.I asked him when he took the car told me less than 5 mins ago, asked how much it will cost to get it back...said 137 and another 20 if it stays another day, which he says past midnight. Now my question is...
can they still charge me even with proof of my sticker?
Should I complain to the management even though i legally don't live there?
When i got there to pick my car they charged me 157 instead of 137 the guy mentioned, so basically can i get my money back?
Want to know this things cause I am thinking of suing or taking it to court and would like to know if it would be worth pursuing it. Thank you
AnswerI hate to say it but it sounds like you are not going to win if you go to court with this...
Not putting up the sticker, is one of the most common reasons for being towed, and showing it after the fact is not going to help in most cases...
Think about your drivers license. You have one but if you do not carry it with you, can you prove who you are if asked (getting into bar or where ever). Think about the police officer who stops you for speeding, if you do not have a drivers license in your possession then how do you legally drive. They can say you are anyone they want and arrest you for anything (warrants for example) even if you say you are not the person.
Charging the storage fee, well that is legal as they have the right to charge "ground rental fees" (STORAGE) the minute it gets into the storage yard as per state laws....
Complaining to the management, well if you do not "legally" live there then you most likely will create issues for the friend also...
Good luck and hope you figure out what you want to do with this issue.