QuestionMy car was towed in 2004 from an Hospital parking lot. When I called the towing company to recover my car, the fees was over $300.00. I didn't have to money at that time, So if I don't reclaim my car what happens too it? (Phqaladelphia, Pa)
Answerwell if you are thinking that its still in the tow yard waiting for you to be able to pick it up then you are mistaken...
Lets see, even if you waited 7 years and they only charged say $25.00 a day for storage then it would be in the area of $64,000 with storage charges....
In Pennsylvania the tow company sends letters to the last registered owner(s) and then files paperwork with the state to get (what I think its called) a "SALVOR TITLE" so that they can sell it, crush it or what ever they want to....
But its gone as far as you are concerned, BUT they might be able to send you a bill though a collection agency for any towing and storage charges which are outstanding less the sale price they got for the car....