QuestionQUESTION: can they legally tow my car from my driveway because i was driving on suspended license
ANSWER: you committed a crime and as such there are penalties. Yes in most every location the vehicle will get towed, kind of a way to prevent you from driving again...
It is not right in many peoples minds to take the vehicle for driving on a suspended license, but if you do not have a license then do you really have insurance. Remember that the general motoring public is supposed to follow the laws and thereby be afforded some protection from drivers who do not follow the financial responsibility laws.
Would you want to be in a wreck with someone who has no license, or insurance????
Not sure where this happened either, but in many states you can lose you car for up to 30 days and still have to pay the towing and storage bill.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I'm not interested in opinions, I have an opinion. What I'm looking for is a fact of law as to the legality of towing off of private property.
You broke the law by driving illegally...
Now as to the rest of it, Illinois is a big state with lots of cities which have their own laws and regulations. Each one is different than state laws in many cases...
TALK TO A LAWYER for FACTS OF LAWS, so that you get the correct information for your case, as I am just a tow truck driver who helps with finding some answers for people here on this VOLUNTEER BOARD...
I wish I had every answer to every question for people but then again that would be like me knowing each winning lottery combination in every lottery... AIN'T HAPPENING...
Sorry for not having your answers, and I know that you will rate poorly but it does not matter as I do not do this for ratings, I do this to try and help people... Right or wrong in their cases.