Towing Issues: is this an illegal tow?, tow truck drivers, drag marks

I was visiting my sister at her apartment complex last night and it got late so we decided to stay till morning and my truck was towed. Keep in mind, i saw no notice that vehicles without stickers would be towed. Now if my truck was locked with an alarm and they broke into my truck to tow it, is it an illegal tow? There were drag marks all through the parking lot and I have pictures...thank you

is it an illegal tow?   Lets see you were parked in the lot which from your statement requires stickers. Since your sister lives there, she should have a copy of the lease - rental agreement which should state the parking regulations.
So she did not notify you of the parking rules.

Breaking into a vehicle to tow it?  Now in most cases, we (as tow truck drivers) have no need to get in the vehicle. We have equipment which when used can lift the whole vehicle off the ground and I am not talking about a flatbed.
Alarm or not, that does not matter, it just tells others that it is being "Molested" (for lack of better words there).

Drag marks in the parking lot. That does not mean much, as it could not have been your vehicle which made it.

Now since you did not mention what STATE or CITY this happened in, I can not provide you with specific answers on the laws which regulate towing of vehicles which are violating the rules and regulations of the property owner.
In most cases the property owner, or manager will have to authorize the tow and sign an authorization paper to have the vehicle removed. So there will be someone there to point out the offending vehicle. BUT then again in some states, if the tow company has a contract to "Cruise - patrol" the lot they can remove vehicles when they find one in the wrong. (Again the lack of information hurts the answer here)