Towing Issues: laws on towing, building fences, nevada laws

this morning i was parked in las vegas at the corner of las vegas blvd and fremont. there is a parking lot there that is private property and does have signs sayin unauthorized vehicles will be towed. next to this sign is a 10 dollar parking sign. well no one was at the spot to collect the ten bucks. so i parked there anyways. my question is that is it ok for the tow truck to pick my truck up from there move it to a public desert lot a few blocks away, un hook it and go get other cars? shouldnt they have to take my truck strait to the yard? ya they have cameras on their trucks for when my car was hooked to the truck. but how about the time it was sittin in a desert lot in the scum of downtown las vegas.

and your question is on the legality of "staging cars" in another area so they can get more "VICTIMS"???

It is not ethical, but in only a few areas is it illegal to do that.

If the lot has signs (and most lots around Vegas do) then if you can not meet the requirements of "ALL THE SIGNS" I would stay out of the lot.
That is more common sense than anything else. I have been there and seen the area and watched tow trucks work there...
It is the same in any big City, lots of illegal or predatory parking by motorists and the property owners have had enough and short of building fences or walls around the property they have vehicles towed.

I have to ask, would you have parked there if there was someone there to pay the $10.00 to park or would you have looked for a free space to park in?
What about the business you were going to, do they not have parking for customers or employees??

Sorry but it sounds legal to me...

Here is a section of the Nevada laws which regulate towing, and I know that Clark County has others, but I can not find then online.
The state law section is 131 pages long and covers other things but towing is in there. (not able to copy and paste sections of the PDF document)