QuestionMy car was towed yesterday. I was towed off of a college campus (as a student) since I used an old paid parking receipt and tried to make it pass for a different day so I wouldn't have to pay to park (I figured if I got a ticked I got a ticket no big deal). However, I was towed for doing this and when I got my car back, the parking receipt I had used and placed in my dash was gone and I cannot find it. My question is, is it legal for a towing company to unlock my car and get it out without me being there or without my knowledge?
AnswerSince I was not there and I do not know college this happened at, I am going to guess at a few things there.
First of all, the campus security was most likely involved and as such they would have the authority and rights (legally) to have the parking receipt removed. This would be evidence of a crime being committed (FRAUD)
As to the tow company unlocking your car, it might of been them, it might of been security.
But in light of who did it, you still committed a crime.
And the towing was the penalty of doing that. If you would of parked and not paid then you might of got the ticket and not towed, but the fraud became a different issue and got a different result.
Now not to bash or anything, but I know college students are tight on money, but it amazes me that they also at times try to get away with some of the dumbest things... I have towed many college students over the years and some of them several times for the same issue. (Towed one person 5 times in a month for parking in a no parking zone, the same space!!)
Now since you did not mention where this happened I can not help you with any specific state laws which might apply.
Hope this helps