Please let me know what are my options on this.
I had to travel overseas for a year during which my apt complex told a towing company to tow my car parked in valid parking lot of my apt complex for expired registration, when i had left to go overseas the tag was current and valid for another 7mnts I had the parking permit to park my car at the place from where it was towed. I was paying the rent for all time during my stay oversea to the apt complex. On my return i found the car missing and on contacting the apt office I was told it had been towed, on contacting the towing company I Was informed the car had been sold.
The towing company had sold/auctioned the car and I cannot do anything on this anymore.
Please can you let me know -
-can I sue the apt complex?
Thank you
AnswerThere is some rules, laws, regulations which might help you in this.
contact your legal officer and find out about the "Soldiers - Sailors Act"
It sounds like someone dropped the ball on this and then a few mistakes might been made in handling and disposal of the vehicle.
Now I do not know what state you are in, and there might be some specific laws which apply.
You can sue the apartment and the tow company if you so desire and that would be small claims court most likely. But there are dollar limits in some states and I do not know what the value of the vehicle was.
Good luck, and I hope that the legal officer can help you a bit.