QuestionI have a 1996 Honda Accord LX. On Oct 1, 2010 I had my car inpected and passed. On Oct 8, 2010 while driving my car the check engine light came on and the car stopped. I called AAA in the Bronx, NY and a tow truck with a lift came to tow me to my regular car repair center. The tow was less that 5 miles but we did hit a few bumps on the was in which my car bounced up and down. The repair shop told me that my timing belt broke which was the reson my car stopped on me. I got my car back on Oct 9, 2010 and as I started my car, I could hear a rattling sound in the trasmission which was not there before. I question the repair shop about the noise and showed me where the problem was. The bolts that connects the transmission and enginge were loose. I could actual see the top bolts moving as I pulled on the excelurator from under the hood. The repair shop told me he did not touch that side of the engine, which was the left side and the timing belt is on the right.
So the only practical reason the separation could of occurred was from the car being towed and hitting bumps. Called AAA to file a complaint and Im still waiting on a reply. Went to the tow compamy and of cource the denied that a tow truck can cause that damage. What do you think ?
AnswerWell you are not going to like me, but I highly doubt that the towing was the cause of the problem of the bolts becoming loose.
What you describe for the tow truck is most likely a wheel lift which the vehicle rides on arms and it just like going down the road driving as the tires - shocks - struts are in use to counter bumps.
Bolts have a habit of working loose and breaking due to age, rust (road salt) and all that.
And the shop is right, the timing belt would not be in that area since they are on different sides of the engine. High torque and power will cause the bolts to stretch and all that from the engine and transmission mounting area.
(think Fast and the Furious stuff)
Now as to complaining and filing claims, you have that right, and evidence is what will be the key there. But I doubt that you will find anything which says towing caused this issue. In my 32 years of towing, I have not seen or heard of this issue.
Good luck and sorry that I could not provide the answer you wanted.