My truck was parked in an apartment complex covering parking spot which has been un-occupied by any other tenants for 2 years. I decided to start parking my truck there since the spot has been empty for so long and was closer to my unit. So after about 3 or 4 months of parking there my truck was towed by a tow truck company with no notice nor was there a notice sticker on my truck to move it. I contacted the complex office and was told that they had no log of my truck to be towed, but was informed that they did have 4 cars towed that evening. The complex office gave me the phone number of the towing company and to call them to see if they have my truck. Low and behold the towing company did in fact have my truck and said it was towed for being parked in the wrong parking spot. My question to you is can they tow my truck without no notice or even placing a notice sticker on my truck?? I live in Henderson Nevada and feel my truck was towed unlawful. If a sticker notice was placed on my truck, I would of immediately moved it. Also the complex office said that parking spot was assigned back in August 2010, but like I said no one was ever parking there. I feel the complex office is lying to me and had my truck towed for no reason. Also, the complex office told me someone had to of signed to have my truck towed. How do I find that out??? The towing company wouldn't give me any information and I was forced to pay $271.00 to get my truck back. Any help would be helpful.
Thank you for your time
AnswerLets see, you are in an apartment complex which from what you describe has assigned parking.
And you decided to park in another space since you had not seen anyone parking in it for a while.
Then you got towed, for parking in a space you were not authorized to use, because the space was closer to your apartment.
And you wonder why you got towed.
I hate to say it, but convenience does not make a reason legal or not, for parking illegally. And to be towed, is legal for violation of the rules - regulations of the complex.
Now as to the towing, in most places there have to be signatures on the paperwork to authorize the tow, but not everywhere. And since you did not tell me where this happened (no City or State) I cannot tell you if they broke any laws.
And again in some areas the tow company is required to provide the information of who called for the towed and authorized it.
$271.00 for the tow, is really low in general terms for towing the vehicle and storing it for 3 days. So I can tell you that it most likely was not in California, New York or Chicago just based on questions I get here.
Now if you feel you were still taken advantage of, you can always go to small claims court, and see if you win.
But remember that is a 50- 50 crap shoot. Your evidence will be what helps you win or lose.