Questioni live in a apartment complex,my car was registered,and insured.they towed it because i have not driven it,i cant drive until March was in my parking spot
Answerand the question is????
Generally any vehicle which is not moved or driven even though it is licensed and insured tends to fall under the abandoned vehicle classification and as such gets towed.
Now I do not know why you can not drive (guessing suspended license) but to move the vehicle around, wash it, and such while still in the parking lot, generally will be good.
Vehicles with dirt - dust on them tend to attract attention (the wrong kind) and are flags that it is abandoned.
Talk to the management and explain what is happening. But if the tow company "patrols - cruises" the lot then any dirty vehicle will attract the hook and get towed. (Been there and used that method to tow vehicles before)