QuestionMy car was ordered towed as an "abandoned vehicle" by the Village of Lockland, OH. The towing company will not allow me to retrieve my personal belongings from the car unless I pay them at least half the towing charge and turn over the title to them. I am unable to pay, and I am not giving them my car because it was not abandoned, just broken down. I know I can't get the car without paying the towing and storage fees, but do they have the right to hold my property as well?
Answerin a nut shell, yes and it is a very common practice.
Reason being, is that in some cases where the vehicle is junk or wrecked and totaled, the most valuable item can be the tires - rims, stereo or personal belongings.
After all, you want your belongings but maybe not the car and you might be planning to "DUMP" the vehicle in the tow yard. That is what most people think and do. Heck even insurance companies dump vehicles which are not worth much on tow companies.
Now in many states, there are laws which allow for tow companies to hold the belongings, and in others they are required to release certain items.
Now I also hate to say it but there might be some regulations in the police contract between the village and the tow company which regulate this issue, but I do not know as those are local contracts.
The Ohio PUC office does regulate tow companies in some areas, but there are other areas where they do not have control. You might check that part and see if they can help you a bit.
I wish I could help more, but Ohio is one state where I have troubles finding information out.