Towing Issues: towing laws, brown mackie, small claims court

I recently attend a college, Brown Mackie- In boise idaho.  I parked my car to go to class and 10 minutes later my vechicle was towed. The parking spot didnt say no parking no student parking, unauthorized vehicles will be towed. My school never said not to park there. Do I have a ground to stand on and any advice?

Well each space does not have to have a sign in it in order to have vehicles towed from them.
Generally there are signs at the entrances, which define what kind of parking is allowed.

Now Boise has some laws regarding towing from private property which deal with signs and stuff, but darn it if I can find them again here. sorry for that.

Now you did not tell me if that space is on the campus or not, and that will be another issue as you will find most schools have the parking rules and regulations in your student handbook.
You might of parked in a faculty space or even a "NON SPACE"
And remember if you were not on campus then the property owner has rights and around colleges I know that parking is tightly controlled and lots of property owners tend to have vehicles towed.

As to options, well small claims court works if you really think that you have the evidence to convince a judge that you were wronged.