QuestionI am being charged a Lien fee. In the paperwork I have it shows that a Lien fee is charged if I have no intention of picking up this car, however that is not the case. Now they're adding an additional $70 to my original total. What can I or should I do?
AnswerYou did not mention the State this happened in, and I can not provide specific information for you on laws which could apply, so generalizing information and answers here for you.
In many states, the Lien paperwork has to be started within a certain time, in some places 2 to 4 days. And this requires increased expenses to get the information from DMV (They charge for this information), and the needed certified, return receipt letters to legal and registered owners.
You can try to contest the fee, with the tow company, but I think that you will not win in that battle. Small Claims Court might work, but then again going up against state law which will be hard to battle and win against.
Now sure what else to suggest for you.