QuestionMy car was towed from a business next to my son's high school in scottsdale,
AZ No signs where posted regarding no parking, you will be towed, private
properity -no signs, my car was parked in front on a dumpster but not
blocking off access. Was my car towed legally? Don't they have to post signs?
Do I have to pay the entire amount at the tow lot? Or can I pay them when I
have money, on pay day? Do they have the right to keep my car untill I have
the money to give the tow lot?
Answerwell I understand your concerns about no signs and such, but Arizona does have some laws on both the state and city levels which deal with towing vehicles from private property.
But in your question you mentioned that you were parked in front of a dumpster. Ah, you do not think that they have to empty them, and most dumpsters and enclosures I have seen all have signs on them that say do not park in front of or block them.
And there are other provisions on release of vehicles without payment but I believe that they apply to police ordered tows.
In general the tow company provided a service and needs to be paid for that service. I mean really do you think that if they were to do the "give me my car, I will pay next week" deal would they really get paid. HONESTLY ????????
here is a link for an article which might help a bit with the laws.
Hope the link helps