Questionmy van was parked at my town house for 1year 3months one day got towed away without any notice and tow company wants me to pay for every thing what can ido please help me ihave no job right know.
AnswerWell I do not know what city or state this happened in, so I can not say if your vehicle was towed for being abandoned, unlicensed or what ever.
Several different rules, regulations and laws can change this answer in so many ways. I know in some Cities they are towing vehicles which have expired tags even from behind fences and in back yards.
This has several issues, among the lines of getting rid of junk vehicles, and or getting them licensed and insured which gets revenue back into the city or state pockets.
Now as to the fees, I really would like to know what tow company does not need to charge for services rendered, since they are private businesses not tax paper supported like the police and fire departments.
And as to the notice, I am not sure about that, but most likely there was some kind of notice and it might of blown off the vehicle or such.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I think you might be stuck paying the tow bill to get it back...
Also one thing to consider is that in some states, if your vehicle was towed at the order of the police department and it was not picked up and paid for, the tow company can send your account to collections and even have your drivers license suspended for non payment of the towing and storage fees.