QuestionI was towed in the parking lot of a super market while i was shopping,there were no "no parking"signs were I parked but after they towed me they told me there were signs by the entance of the parking lot {very small} I have to pay 375.00 for 2hours of they having my car.Can I sue them?
Answeryou are always able to sue them in small claims court.
But since I do not know where this happened I can not tell you if the tow company or property owner has the signs posted according to city or state law.
But as a general rule, you will find the laws require signs to be posted at the entrances and exits (in case you come in the wrong way) to the parking lot.
There are no requirements to post signs in each space or area.
Now there are lots of other issues which can be the reason that you were towed.
Parking in a fire lane is a no no...
Parking in handicapped spaces or the areas so designated beside them are also no no's.
And were you parked in only 1 space not 2 or more spaces?
hope this helps, but my crystal ball is a bit oil covered lately due to the gulf oil spill and I have a hard time seeing what happened elsewhere.