Towing Issues: release a car, storage fees, tow company
QuestionWhat if I don't have a license, but had my car towed which is registered to me. Is there a loop hole for that?
Answerlets see, your vehicle was towed because you did not have a license then you were towed for breaking the law.
Now some states (you did not tell me where this happened) have rules regarding vehicle releases and those are what will affect the answer here.
But how are you going to get the vehicle home if you do not have a license. You will need a licensed driver to drive the vehicle home or you will need to have it towed.
The police might require that you pay a release fee to them in order to get the paperwork to present to the tow company before you pay them the towing and storage fees.
Yes you might have 2 fees to pay.
Sorry for the bad news