Towing Issues: Failure to Notify, vehicle impoundment, california dmv

I searched the California DMV section, and it states that if the towing agency fails to notify me in 2 days after the impoundment, they are not allowed to charge me for more than 15 days. It's been a week and I have not heard from them. I didn't even get a copy of the tow when the tow truck arrived. Right now I don't even know where my car is. Should I try to fight the 15-day law?
And who should I call to find out where my car is? (Or should I just wait for a notice in the mail even if it takes a month?)
[I was driving without a license in CA and the section says that "Vehicle Impoundment: Suspended, Revoked, or Unlicensed Driver" so that completely applis to me, what should I do?]

not sure what to say, but the comments about 2 day notice is out of context I believe.

After all the tow company is required to get that information from California DMV and they have procedures and paperwork to do in order to get the info (Thanks to privacy laws).

And add in the US Post office for getting that info request to DMV and back and then to you.

Now if the law specifically says something about this, then DMV is the agency who controls and regulates the towing companies. BUT since this was a police ordered tow, they have input and regulations which apply also.

And if you did not get the notice, and you were driving without a license, I might guess that you were not the "LEGALLY REGISTERED OWNER" of the vehicle according to DMV. If you never transferred the title to your name then how can they "LEGALLY NOTIFY YOU"

You would not be the legal owner then, and that might be something there which is affecting the notice.
I am not saying this happened but there are a lot of things which might affect the answers.