QuestionI know very little about these issues and would VERY MUCH appreciate a primary education. So here are the facts:
I live in an condominium in Indiana with an HOA
The HOA is newly formed, with 1st elections last September.
While the HOA rules do not specify Guest parking is for Guests only the HOA and Management company repeatedly state they do and signs are up stating this also. I expect by now they have rewritten the bylaws but maybe not. In October The new HOA board members, none of whom live in one car drive/garage condos, stickered cars they recognized as belonging to property owners and have towed several. One of my vehicles was stickered with a Great Big,really hard to remove sticker. Unfortunately in our condo there IS NO other owner parking spots: even HOA board members admit there really is no other place for condo owner parking. I could park in a nearby neighborhood and walk 2 blocks.
A minority of condo owners live with one car driveway/garages and this is extremely inconvenient to those of us who do.
The other night a towing company driver informed me that for the past two weeks the HOA had been calling their company to patrol and freely tow any car they found parked on the street. This 'no parking on the streets ' rule IS stated in the bylaws (I think). The driver stated the HOA president ( a lawyer) not only alerts them to cars parked on the street but does it often and also that the President often parks on the streets himself and His car was even towed!?! The driver told me he was really angry.
But today I am the one who is furious. I don't park on the streets myself and I didn't notice that a visiting for the first first time guest at my condo home parked on the street. There is one sign at one entrance and no sign at the other two. No signs anywhere visible near the street.It was towed sometime within a brief two hour visit. The tow company refused to immediately release the guests' car and stated we have to wait til Monday (today is Saturday). Why/how can they do that? ... and do we have to pay storage for that, when we begged them to release the car immediately? Also, and this is why I am REALLY angry: the towing company secretary told me the HOA president called SEVEN times demanding they tow my guest's car. She stated he was angry because HIS car was towed.
So Little of this sounds or feels right to me? Can you explain as much as you will...Please? And Inform me where to get more info on HOA, towing, and any other issues you can think of to educate me? There is an HOA meeting, only the second, on Mar 23 and I want to do several things like complain bitterly, pass a petition, impeach the meanest nastiest board members...etc etc? I'm kidding but I'm not. My father taught me this about HOA board members: "Anyone who would want that job shouldn't be allowed to have it.. Seriously - they have been sending meany letters about many Petty things and done nothing positive when our condo has other issues needing solving. I would really like to concentrate on the towing issue how can we change bylaws regarding parking? Especially..can you spot anything wrong regarding actions and behaviors of the board or towing company? Can you give me wed pages I can check about any of this???? or especially, any tricks you know to help make them STOP.
Thanks in advance!! Really!
AnswerThere are several web sites and associations that may be of some help to you. Indiana has a towing association. This is their web site:
There is also the TRAA:
And there is a web site where lawyers actually handle towing problems and discussions. With you president being a lawyer I would suggest looking at this one:
You can also call the DMV to find out who regulates the towing businesses in Indiana because most states require towing companies to release vehicles after hours for private property impounds. There are also requirements such as having to accept credit cards as payments because some people have complained to me that towing companies wanted cash only.
There is also a homeowners association:
And you can google "predatory towing" because there are tons of web sites dedicated to this.
You can also file a complaint with the better business bureau on line now.
Let me know if this helps.