Towing Issues: parking permit towing, sierra ridge, unattended vehicles
QuestionI live in sierra ridge condo, my parking permit expired about three weeks ago. My car was towed today. The security guard stated that my card was towed at 1145 pm on 3/9/2010 for not having a valid parking permit. The guard stated that a letter was placed on the windshield stating that i had 5 days to renew the permit or my car would be towed. However, when they have other condo newsletters, etc. they knock on your door or place in between the door jam. I did not see a letter and my daughter stated that she did not see one on the windshield. The guard stated that a towing sticker was placed on the car and the car was immediately towed. When I questioned that the sticker represents a a "24 hour" notice, he stated not when it comes to expired parking permits. The office is closed on Wednesday. I wanted to see copies of the letter and speak to the manager. Does a towing sticker allow for 24 hours notice?
AnswerIf I understand the correctly the reason for the tow was the permit was expired. Since the permit was expired the vehicle was in violation and can be removed from the property. In regards for the procedures for notifying the residents varies from property to property and is best to review the lease on rules and regulations. As for the tag and tow 24 hour rule usually applies to unattended vehicles on the interstate which the police issue and enforce. Your vehicle was on private property and must comply with the rules and regulations set forth by management. Hopefully this information gives some insight