Towing Issues: towing a car, tow truck driver, parking permit
Questiondoes a tow truck driver have a legal right to enter a locked vehicle without consent? My car was in a university parking lot "A" and my parking permit was for university parking lot "C". Therefore the university parking and trans dept authorized a tow of the car however I was not notified and the tow truck driver broke into my car and confiscated the parking permit. Isn't that considered "breaking and entering"? This occured in the state of Missouri? Can't a car be towed without entering the vehicle?
AnswerSometimes it's necessary to unlock a vehicle to prevent damage and secure the steering wheel. Also, parking permits are the issuing authorities property and have the right to redeem them if necessary. Some vehicles can be towed without entering them but others (and depending on the situation) may need additional equipment which usually increases the towing fees significantly.