Towing Issues: towed from private property, small claims court, tow operator

From WA state,

On 2/09/10 I parked my truck in a designated spot of an apartment complex, of which I was visiting at 9am.  When I left around 5:30pm, my truck was gone, and I called up the towing company listed on the "Unauthorized Vehicles will be towed.." sign.
When I picked up my truck from impound around 5:45, I was told by the operator that my truck had been towed 20 mins prior.

I also noticed that there was a bright orange sticker in my back window which read, "FINAL WARNING.  This vehicle is illegally parked.  It will be towed without further notice and stored at your expense."  The tow operator informed me that the apartment manager had placed the sticker there.
This was the only warning I received.  It was written at 4:23pm and they put the wrong date on it (2/10/10).
So, I'm wondering if the apt. manager is in violation of any law by warning me just the one time, or if I can take them to small claims court.

The sticker is more a "COURTESY" than anything else as the state law requires that signs be posted at the entrances and exits.

As to the date problem that is not real big at times if it goes to court as a lot of people do make mistakes and write the wrong time down.
Another issue you might look into is who called in the tow and the reason for being towed. You mentioned being parked in a designated space, was it visitor spaces or a tenants space which you were in.

There are a few issues that might help, the date is one, but there really is not a lot that can be done other than the small claims court route. That is always your option.

Washington state has some really good laws and worded well, regarding towing regulations.