Towing Issues: Buying a tow truck, ford f450, tow companies
QuestionI am getting ready to buy a used flatbed tow, do you have any advice on what kind i should look for? I want something that is easy to find an engine for and cheap to fix in case of engine problems. I have been looking at used ford f450's. I don't know anything about towing please let me know anything you can. sincerely James wall
AnswerA blue one is nice, Red works also....
I wish I could really help you with the information on what truck is good, but a lot of used trucks have problems due to abuse and maintenance issues.. Its kind of a buyer beware issue there. Do a lot of research and have the truck really checked out and that might help.
Now if you have no towing experience, I really question why you want to start a towing business. That's not a really good idea unless you got lots of money to spend while trying to learn the business.
(do not take this wrong) but I have not finished my book "tow companies for dummies" as it will be a huge project. If you can do a lot of research there are several online towing forums where you can get information (if you follow their rules and guidelines).
Check out
hope this helps.